"But the fruit of the (Holy) Spirit,[the work which His presence within accomplishes] -- is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness; (meekness, humility) gentleness, self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such there is no law [that can bring a charge]." Galations 5:22,23 Amplified Bible

  The book of Galations was written by Paul during his first 

  missionary journey, during which he spent two years preaching

  and teaching the Gospel in the Galatian locale. This letter is 

  believed to have been written in 49 A.D., although some 

  historians place it between 53 and 56 A.D.  Paul began his 

  ministry to the Gentiles about 14 years after his encounter with 

  Jesus on the road to Damascus in or around 35 A.D, when he was 

  converted. His three missionary journeys totalled nine years.  His

  Roman custodies and imprisonments began in 60 A.D., and he

  was beheaded in 68 A.D.

  It seems that some "judaizers" -- that is, those who thought

  that one had not only to believe in the saving grace of Jesus

  Christ to be saved, but also follow the Mosaic Law and undergo

  circumcision -- had infiltrated the Church at Galatia with this

  teaching, thus putting them into the bondage of a Gospel of works rather than simply salvation by grace. When one is truly a          follower or Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit produces the fruits of a life lived in righteousness.

  The first church council, of which Paul was a participant, was held in Jerusalem after Paul's first missionary journey to settle the      matter.  He then writes to the Galatians,"For [if we are] in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for              anything, but only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love."  Galations, 5:6, Amplified Bible.   He      tells them to be led only by the Spirit in how they live; to put off the sinful nature and let the Holy Spirit produce fruits of                    righteousness in their lives.

  LOVE.  The first of these fruits is love.  The Greek word used here for "love" is agape, which means divine love."(It is) a strong,      ardent, tender, compassionate devotion to the well-being of someone." Dake's, New Testament, May 1983 edition, p.206, col.1,      note c1.

  Both here and in the well-known "love" chapter in 1Corinthians, chapter 13, Paul tells us that this kind of love has 9 ingredients: 

                         "1. Patience - love passive:  no hurry; suffers long; bears, believes, hopes and endures all things (v, 4,  7)                                                  2. Kindness - love in action:  never acts rashly or insolently; not inconsistent, puffed up, or proud ( v 9)

                          3. Generosity - love in competition:  not envious or jealous (v 4)

                          4. Humility - love in hiding:  no parade; no airs; works then retires (v 4)

                          5. Courtesy - love in society:  does not behave unseemly: always polite; at home with all classes; never rude or                                           discourteous  (v 5)

                          6. Unselfishness:  love in essence:  never selfish, sour or bitter; seeks only good of others; does not retaliate                                              or seek revenge ( v 6)

                          7. Good temper - love in disposition:  never irritated; never resentful (v 5)

                          8. Righteousness - love in conduct:  hates sin; never glad when others go wrong; always gladdened by                                                         goodness to others; always slow to expose; always eager to believe the best; always hopeful, always                                                     enduring (v 6-7)

                          9. Sincerity - love in profession:  never boastful and conceited; not a hypocrite; always honest; leaves no                                                    impression but what is strictly true; never self-assertive; does not blaze out in passionate anger, nor brood                                            over wrongs; always just, joyful and truthful; knows how to be silent; full of trust; always present"

                              Dake's,New Testament, May 1983 edition, p.186, col. 1, note g.

  Our fallen natures will often fail here, but as we grow in sanctification by the Holy Spirit in the Christian life, it becomes more and    more natural to feel this way towards others.

  JOY.   The Greek work used here for joy is chara, which Dake's defines in a biblical sense:  "The emotional excitement,  gladness,    delight over blessings received for self and for others." Dake's, New Testament, May 1983 edition, p.206, note c2.  We might think    of it in a worldly sense, such as when something exceedingly special happens in a life -- a wedding, a new baby, or blessing of          something long-awaited for.  This is an emotion we feel regardless of our earthly circumstances.

  Dake's lists instances of joyful biblical events in the New Testament as follows (events with Bible references only; explanations      mine):

                           "1. The magi (Mt. 2:10) : This was prophesied in the Old Testament in Numbers 24:17, "...there shall come a                                           Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel ..." "   This refers to Christ, who will rule the true                                                   Israel into eternity. 


                            2. Elisabeth (Lk.1: 41-45) When Mary, newly pregnant with the Christ child, went to visit her cousin Elisabeth                                          who was 6 months pregnant with John the Baptist, the baby in Elisabeth's womb was instantly filled with                                              the Holy Spirit and lept in her womb for joy.   


                             3. Mary (Lk. 1:46-56) This series of verses is often referred to as 'The Magnificat', where Mary declares that                                           her soul magnifies the Lord for the great things He has done unto her, and that her spirit rejoices in God                                                 her Saviour.  She is filled with joy and wonder that all generations shall call her blessed, in spite of her low                                             estate in the world's eyes.

                             4.  Zacharias (Lk.1: 64-79) This was John the Baptist's father, who was unbelieving of the angel Gabriel's                                               pronouncement that he in his old age shall have a child, and so was struck dumb.  But when the time for                                               the child's circumcision came, his tongue was loosed and he declared that the child's name would be                                                     John.  Zecharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and declared that this child, John the Baptist, shall go                                                     before the Lord Jesus Christ to prepare His ways, and give knowledge of salvation of His people by the

                             remission of their sins, and give light to them that sit in darkness. 

                             5.  Shepherds (Lk. 2:20) This refers to the angel of the Lord who appeared to the shepherds tending their                                               flocks, who then went into Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph, and the Christ child lying in a manger.

                             6.  All people (Lk. 2:10)  Where the angel said unto the shepherds, 'Fear not: for, behold I bring you good tidings of                               great joy, which shall be to all people.'

                             7.  The seventy  (Lk. 10:17)  In addition to the apostles, here Christ commissioned seventy disciples and sent                                       them in pairs to go and preach the Gospel.  They returned 'with joy' that even the devils [were] subject to them in                                 His name.

                             8.  Father and servants (Lk. 15:24)  This refers to the parable of the Prodigal Son, where his father rejoices that                                     his 'son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.'  For the son repented of his sins, saying he had                                   'sinned against heaven, and in thy sight', and was not even worthy to be called his father's son; but, his father                                       forgave him and welcomed him back into the family fold.

                             9.  Angels at repentance (Lk. 15:10)  This refers to the parable of the Lost Coin, where a woman finds the one coin                               she lost out of ten coins she had in her possession, and rejoiced with others after having found it. 'Likewise, I say                               unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.'

                            10.  Zaccheus (Lk. 19:6)  This passage refers to the conversion of Zaccheus, the chief tax collector and thus a                                       very rich man.  Not long before, Jesus had told his disciples that it was very difficult for a rich man to enter into                                   the kingdom of God, but through God, all things were possible.  Not long after, as we see Zaccheus climb up into                                 a sycamore tree to get a better look at Jesus as He plassed through Jericho, we witness Jesus call to him and                                     Zaccheus' heart immediately converted, for he said he would return fourfold to whomever he had defrauded.                                       When Jesus said He must today abide at Zaccheus' house, he received Jesus with joy.

                             11. A triumphal entry (Mt. 21:9)  This refers to Jesus' entry into Jerusalem where the multitudes praised Him                                       with "Hosanna in the highest," and laid branches down on the road before him.  It fulfills the prophecy made in                                     Zechariah 9:9: "...Behold, they King cometh unto thee, meek and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an                                         ass."

                             12. At the resurrection (Mt. 28:8)  The two Marys and Mary Magdelene went to the tomb where Jesus was laid                                     after his death by crucifixion, where they saw the angel who told them, "He is not here: for he is risen, as He said."                               Mt. 28:6  The angel told them to quickly go into Galilee, where they would see him.  They went to bring his                                             disciples word.


                            13. At His appearance (Lk. 24:41) This is where Jesus appears to the ten; Thomas is absent and Judas has hung                                 himself. He bid them peace but they were terrified; He showed them His hands and His feet, "and while they yet                                   believed not for joy, and wondered, He said unto them, Have ye here any meat?" Lk. 24:41  After He had eaten                                       before them, He opened their hearts with understanding, that they might understand the scriptures.

                            14. At His ascension (Lk.24:52)  "And it came to pass, while He blessed them, He was parted from them, and                                        carried up into heaven.  And they worshipped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy..."  Lk. 24: 51,52

                            15. Whole church (Acts 2:46; 15:3)  Acts refers to the acts of the apostles.  " And they (the early church)                                                 continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with                                   gladness and singleness of heart,"  Acts 2.46   When Paul and Barnabas were sent on their way "by the church,                                     they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy                                     unto all the brethren." Acts 15:3

                            16. Lame man healed (Acts (3:8)  A man lame from birth was healed by Peter.  He took the lame man by the                                        hand, lifted him up, and all his feet and ankle bones received strength.  "And he leaping up stood and walked,                                        and entered with them into the temple, walking and leaping, and praising God."  Acts 3:8

                            17.  New converts (Acts 8:8; 13:52)  Here, Philip has gone to Samaria and preached the Gospel of Christ unto                                       them.  They drove out unclean spirits, and healed others that were lame and taken with palsies.  "And there was                                   great joy in that city." Acts 8:8  When Paul and Barnabas were expelled from Antioch in Pisidia due to                                                     persecution against them and their teaching, they "shook off the dust of their feet against them", "And the                                             disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost." Acts 13:52

                            18. Paul  (2 Cor. 2:3; 7:4, 13)  Referring to his former epistle to the Corinthians, where he admonished them; he                                     now writes that "having confidence in you all, that my joy is the joy of you all." 2 Cor. 2:3   "Great is my                                                     boldness of speech toward you, great is my glorying of you: I am filled with comfort, I an exceeding joyful in                                         all our tribulation." 2 Cor. 7:4   Next is reference to God's care of the Conrinthians, and their turning back to                                             God, "Therefore we were comforted in your comfort: yea, and exceedingly the more joyed we for the joy of                                             Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by you all."  2 Cor 7:13  Titus was one of the disciples.

                            19.  All Christians (1Peter 1:8) Peter, writing to the believers in Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, with                                             gladness for their acceptance of the the Gospel and the fruits thereof, including the endurance of                                                           persecution, writes, "Whom (Jesus) having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet                                                   believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation                                         of your souls." (1Peter 8,9). 

                             20. Christ  (Heb12:2; Jn.15:11)  The author of this book is unknown, but he writes to the Hebrew believers in                                         Christ, "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him                                                   endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb 12:2  

                             In John 15:11, Jesus is talking to His apostles.  He is the vine, His Father is the husbandman, and He purges                                         those branches which do not bear fruit.  He talks about the necessity of believing in Christ to be saved, and                                           to bear good fruit -- keeping His commandments and so abiding in His love. "These things I have spoken unto                                       you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."  John 15:11 " Dake's New Testament, May                                    1983 edition, p.62, col.1

                                  These are all biblical causes for joy that reach far above earthly circumstances.  They all center around                  marvelous Christian events and, most importantly, Christ Himself -- from His conception to His resurrection -- and the                   subsequent spreading of the Gospel.  The apostle Paul speaks of a "...soul assured of its salvation though Christ, and so fearing      nothing from God and content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is..." (Amplified Bible, N.T., Philippians 4:7).  It is that sort      of joy that takes root deep within us and does not fade.

  When, through the Holy Spirit -- for it can only come from God -- we are truly repentant for our sins with an understanding of our      sinful state as children of Adam, and that only through Jesus Christ, through His blood shed for us on the cross at Calvary, can       we have salvation; when we are "broken and spilled out"; when we turn and begin to live our lives for Jesus Christ, seeking always    to please Him, then and only then can we have true joy in the Lord.

  PEACE.   The Greek word used here is eirenewhich is described by Dake's as "the state of quietness, rest, repose, harmony, order and security in the midst of turmoil, strife, and temptations."  (Dake's New Testament, May 1983 edition, p.206, col.1, note c).  Some people are naturally this way -- always calm and collected no matter the circumstances.  But for most of us, this comes from faith in a sovereign God and growth in the Holy Spirit's renewing of our minds. Isaiah 45:7 tells us, "I [meaning God] form the light, and create darkness:  I make peace, and create evil:  I the Lord do all these things."  Knowing God is in control of everything in this world, including evil, is a great source of comfort -- to know that there isn't a rogue force or entity that can wreak havoc in our world and in our lives without God's will and purpose in charge.  As Romans 8:28 tells us, particularly in the lives of believers, all things work together for our spiritual good and according to God's purpose; we only have to consider Job.  Yes, Satan exists, but he is under God's will and power until the very end when Jesus returns, and Satan will be unleashed for a short time.  Right now in this Gospel age,  he doesn't have the license to act on his own.

It's important to remember that God created evil, but not sin -- our fallen natures as children of Adam are what cause us to sin.  These are great mysteries that will be revealed to us after the end times.


This verse in Isaiah, 45:7, leads us to a note in Dake's entitled 4 acts of God:  ...no.3 under this note is "I make peace.  Freedom from war or civil disorder; it is harmony in human and divine relations; quietness; tranquility.  God is the author of peace and Christ is called The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6-7).  All real and lasting peace does come from God; and it originated with Him" (Dake's Old Testament, May 1983 edition, p.475, col.1).  God is a Supreme Being of limitless power, glory and wisdom, and we may always rest in Him.

There are many, many verses in God's Word that contain the word "peace", used in different contexts, but the basic Truth of God's peace is the same.  One of my favorites is found in Philippians 4:6-7 :  "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  Dake's  New Testament, on page 237, col. 3, lists 10 secrets of cure for worry (4:7):

" 1. Permit the peace of God to garrison or keep your heart and mind through Jesus Christ (v 7)

  2. Renounce all worry and by prayer, supplicaiton and thanksgiving make all requests known to God (v 6; James 4:7)

  3. Think on right things ( Phiippians 4:8)

  4.  Keep mind stayed on God (Isaiah 26:3)

  5.  Use the weapons of spiritual warfare (2 Cor. 10:4-6)

  6.  Put on the whole armour of God (Ephesisans 6:10-18)

  7.  Have faith in God (Mt. 6:25-34; 7:7-11; 17:20; 21:22;  Mk. 11:22-24)

  8.  Live and walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:16-26; Romans 6:14-23; 8:1-13)

  9.  Do not cast away confidence (Heb. 3:6, 12-14; 6:11-12; 10: 19-23, 35-39)

 10. Cast all care upon God ( 1Pet.5:7)"

Number 10 is also one of my favorites.  Some of the above verses listed take diligent study and are well worth the time and effort, but others are simply prayer and discipline of mind and heart, that once you've left a worry or concern in God's hands through prayer, to not take it back.  Just take the next step and continue to thank Him for His answer, whenever that particular care comes back into your mind.  Number 3, to think on right things listed in Philippians 4:8, is also important and calming: Whatsover things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, any virtue, any praise.

 PATIENCE.  The Amplified Bible, New Testament notes patience as "an even temper, forbearance".  Dake's renders it "longsuffering". The Greek word used here is makrothumia, which means "patient endurance: to bear long with the frailties, offences, injuries, and provocations of others, without murmuring, repining, or resentment".  Not any easy thing to do even in the best of times; only the Holy Spirit can render our hearts to such a response to trials and injuries.  It helps to remember that God is sovereign, in control, and He uses everything for our spiritual growth and good (see Romans 8:28).  This virtue of patience is found in the "love" chapter, 1Cor 13, verse 4: "Charity [love] suffereth long." 2 Cor 6:4 tells us that much patience approves us as God's [disciples], and Ephesians 4:2 tells us that the walk of believers includes "longsuffering, forgearing one another in love...".1 Timothy 1:6 teaches longsuffering in believers as part of a pattern for the salvation of all sinners, "a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him [Jesus Christ] to life everlasting".   Quotes from Dake's New Testament, May, 1983 edition, p. 206, col.1.

 GENTLENESS The Greek work used here is chrestotes, which means "a disposition to be gentle, soft-spoken, kind, even-tempered, cultured, and refined in character and conduct" Dake's New Testament, May, 1983 edition, p. 206, col.1.  Dake's references 2 Timothy 2:24-26 here, which tells us that we must not be quarrelsome and contentious, but rather kindly to everyone, preserving the bond of peace.  We must be suitable for teaching, skilled in God's Word, and always patient and willing to suffer wrong (Amplified Bible).  We must correct our opponents with courtesy and gentleness, in the hope that God my grant them true repentance from the heart and that they will come to know the Truth; that they will see with their eyes and hear with their ears and escape out of the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him, and henceforth (to) do God's will (Amplified Bible).  Dake's also references Titus 3:1,2 which expands to include others not directly acquainted with us in our path of life:  to be submissive to justices and authorities, obedient, and ready and willing to do any upright and honorable work, no matter how humble. We should slander or speak evil of no one, being ever gentle and conciliatory, and show others complete courtesy (Amplified Bible).  James 3:17 tells us that "the wisdom from above is first of all pure (undefiled); then it is peace-loving, courteous (considerate, gentle). [It is willing to] yield to reason, full of compassion and good fruits; it is wholehearted and straightforward, impartial and unfeigned -- free from doubts, wavering and insincerity." (Amplified Bible).

 GOODNESS.  Our Greek word here is agathosune, "the state of being good, kind, virtuous, benevolent, generous, and God-like in life and conduct" Dake's New Testament, May 1983 edition, p.206, col.1. Dake's references a number of verses here -- taking them from the Old Testament, the Psalms, and the New Testament including the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and two of Paul's letters to the churches.   In Exodus 33:19, God is speaking to Moses after he asked God to show him His glory.  He tells him, "I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim my name, THE LORD, before you ..."   "Besides showing Moses His glory as expressed in His back parts," (for God would not show Moses His face), "or the after effects and glimpses of the glory after it had passed by (v. 20-23) God gave Moses a further revelation of His character and infinite nature (v.19)" Dake's Annotated Reference Bible, Old Testament, p. 100, cols. 1 and 4, note q.  The goodness referred to here, as it may pertain to us as an example for our lives, is a superlative good, the very best of a person.  There are many examples of this in the Psalms.  One is found in Psalm 23:6 "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life ..." This is a prophecy of David that is "being fulfilled and will be completely fulfilled in all who live in the house of the Lord forever." Dake's Annotated Reference Bible, Old Testament, P. 558, col. 1, note a. In Romans 2:4, we're told that God's kindness and patience, this superlative good, is intended to lead us to repent, and lead our lives for Him.  In Matthew 5:44, as part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us to "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."  Here is a perfect example of God-likeness in one's life and conduct towards others. 

 FAITH.  The Greek word used here is pistis, "the living, divinely implanted, acquired, and created principle of inward and wholehearted confidence, assurance, trust, and reliance in God and all that He says." Dake's New Testament, May 1983 edition, p. 206, col. 1.  Notice here that faith is divinely implanted; it isn't something we can conjure up ourselves.  Faith in worldly things comes from evidences we've seen about something or someone, but faith in God and His promises can only be planted in our hearts by God Himself.  Faith is "the substance or conviction of things hoped for, the assurance of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1,2); to "give oneself over to a new way of life (Romans 1;17)", governed by God, and a "joyful faith in, and acceptance of Christ as the substitute for sin and Saviour whereby one receives salvation (Mark 16:16; Romans 1:16)"  It is "absolute dependence upon and reliance in the Word of God and of Christ (Matthew 8:8-10; Romans 10:17)"  The word "believeth" denotes the act and process of faith and is the present tense of pistis, faith." The Greek word "pisteuo" means "to be persuaded of." 

To accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord for salvation with true repentance of sin from the heart, means to be justified in Christ and can never be taken away.  Only God can grant us this manner of repentance.  It means a change of life and heart, to obey His commands out of obedience and love, and to grow in grace and the knowledge of God and Christ by reading and studying God's Word.

Unless otherwise specified, all quotes are from Dake's New Testament, May 1983 edition, p. 201, col.4

 MEEKNESS.   The Greek word used here is praotes:  the disposition to be gentle, kind, indulgent, even balanced in tempers and passions, and patient in suffering, [and] injuries without feeling a spirit of revenge (note, Psalms 25:8).  The Merriam Webster dictionary defines "meek" as "characterized by patience and long-suffering."  Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount -- Matthew 5,6,7 --and specifically in Matthew 5:5:  "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth."  The notes on Psalms 25:9 in Dake's Annotated Old Testament, May 1983 edition, p.558, col 4, note c, gives us ten blessings of the meek:

          1. Satisfaction  (Psalms 22:26)

          2. Guidance; [good]Judgment  (Psalms 25:9)

          3. Knowledge of God  (Psalms 25:9)

          4. Earth as an inheritance  (Psalms 37:11; Matthew 5:5)

          5. Salvation (Psalms 76:9; 149:4)

          6. Help from God (Psalms 147:6)

          7. Increased joy (Isaiah 29:19)

          8. Holy Spirit (Galations 5:22,23)

          9. A blessing to others (Galations 6:1)

        10. Patience (2 Timothy 2:24-25)

Psalms 29:5 tells us that "The meek He will guide in judgment: and the meek He will teach His way.

 TEMPERANCE (SELF-CONTROL):  The Greek word used here is enkrateia, meaning "self-control; a moderation in the indulgence of the appetite or passions."  Dake's New Testament, May, 1983 edition, p. 206, col.1, note 9.  We see this again in Proverbs 23:1-3 and Proverbs 25:16: "Hast thou found honey? Eat [only] so much as is sufficient for thee..."  We are to show self-control -- self-mastery -- in all things of this earth, and to consider in whose company we may be and act accordingly.  We are to pursue those things which are eternal, and deem the things of this world to be of little importance.  Philippians 3:18-19 tells us that false teachers are men given to "appetites."  They are enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction.  Dake's tells us that "No law can condemn one with the fruit of the Spirit.  Law only condemns sin, not righteousness."  Dake's New Testament, May, 1983

edition, p.206, col 1., note d.

